Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pollution Has Been A Growing Problem - 1531 Words

Pollution has been a growing problem since the rapid evolution of technology after the Industrial Revolution, which contaminated Earth with its byproducts of harmful chemicals and an ever growing pile of trash. From harmful chemicals in the air to plastic floating in the ocean, pollution has contaminated the very world we have been living in, slowly creating a bleak future for the new generations to come. I was a young child, unaware of the danger of just breathing the air and how dirty the world has become over the last few hundred years. Eventually, a life-threatening event changed that view forever and urged me to take a stance on the topic of pollution, changing my views and having a huge impact on my future. Before long, I had become an advocate of preventing the pollution of our wonderful home, Earth. When I was around 11 to 12 years old, I saw a pelican on the pier of Long Beach with its body tangled up in fishing lines, disabling it from flying and left helpless to nearly die. Driven by my emotions of sadness and pity, I tried my best to help this poor animal by giving the fish I caught on the pier with a fishing pole to help it live for just a bit longer in the course of 2 hours. Even though this action seems to contradict my belief of helping animals because it might seem as if my â€Å"help† is extending its suffering, I was just hoping that the fish would be enough to help it live on and hopefully be happy before dying like a last meal before death. To this dayShow MoreRelatedPollution Has Been A Growing Problem1481 Words   |  6 Pages Pollution has been a growing problem since the rapid evolution of technology after the Industrial Revolution, which contaminated Earth with its byproducts of harmful chemicals and an ever growing pile of trash. From harmful chemical s in the air to plastic floating in the ocean, pollution has contaminated the very world we have been living in, slowly creating a bleak future for the new generations to come. 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