Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Fundamentals of Persuasive Essay Topics Funny Revealed
The Fundamentals of Persuasive Essay Topics Funny Revealed A good deal of students have a tendency to find writing a persuasive essay a little challenging as a result of essence of the essay and its dynamics. Many students come online to discover persuasive essay topics for higher english simply to pick specific topics and begin writing about them. Good persuasive essay topics need to be persuasive. Remember, they don't have to be politically correct all the time, they can be controversial. Persuasive essays share a good deal of resemblance with argumentative essays. The finest persuasive essays persuade the reader to agree with a certain point of view, perspective or maybe to take a particular action. If you're thinking that you will need a person to compose my essay at this time, you can just rely on our honest reviews. The question could be part of your introduction, or it may make a good title. You should settle on a persuasive essay topic which allows you to present the greatest possible case. So, the best method to compose an excellent persuasive essay is to discover a theme you're familiarized with and would like to share your experience with the reader. There are some straightforward guidelines to follow to be able to be in a position to compose a fantastic persuasive essay. Even thought you may not think you're a master at persuasion, it is likely that you're far better than you believe. To assist you craft an intriguing essay, here are a few fantastic persuasive topics for you to select from. It will be simpler that you compose a superior persuasive essay if it's a subject in which you have knowledge. The multiple topics might be found, for instance, in the dissertation abstracts international database. So locating the most effective persuasive essay topics is vital. All persuasive essays are like argumentative essays. Homework should be quite light. Students ought to be paid for studying. Students with good attendance has to be rewarded. You have to know all facets of financial topics when you choose them. If you are searching for top essay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. Our reviews contain information like the score of the clients, our rating, starting prices, Discounts, and caliber of the papers. It's extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you would like to steer clear of low superior services. Students should continue to keep their mobile in silence in order to not disturb the class. They should be careful about posting on social media. They always go online when they need to find something. They should be allowed to pray in school. So How About Persuasive Essay Topics Funny? Deciding on the correct topic is the main job. Deciding upon the proper topic for a persuasive speech may be not such an easy matter to do as it might seem. It is possible to even check out several reviews and choose the business that is most suitable for your requirements and reasonably priced budget. The increasing number of essay writing services is wholly overwhelming. If you wish to acquire high high quality research and thesis papers in time and for a sensible price, you should probably try out using Because our writing services stick out from all of the remainder of our competitors, in regard to dedication, quality, security and confidentiality. Others believe that it improves creativity and productivity at work. Obviously, topics which are still relevant in 2018 are the very best. All folks ought to be permitted to receive free high education. Argue that public higher education has to be free for everybody.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Nestle Accounting Practices - 8557 Words
Management Accounting -I Final Project Report Company – Nestlà © India Submitted By Rahul –PGP25259 Praveen – PGP25258 Pratyush – PGP25257 Prachal Mehrotra – PGP25255 Prajeesh Jayaram L – PGP25256 Sanjay Dhir – FPM10013 1. About Nestlà © Nestlà © is a food and package multinational with its headquarters situated in Vevey, Switzerland. The company came into being in 1905, after a merger between Anglo-Swiss Milk Company and FarineLactà ©e Henri Nestlà © Company. The company now has a strong presence worldwide and had an annual turnover of 87 billion Swiss francs in 2008. Nestlà © is the world s foremost Nutrition, Health and Wellness company. Nestlà © India Limited is the Indian arm of Nestlà © SA, which holds a 51% stake in the†¦show more content†¦Annexure to the auditor’s report mentions that the Company has, during the year, not granted any loans, secured or unsecured to companies, firms or other parties nor taken any loans, secured or unsecured from companies, firms or other parties. It has also not made any preferential allotment of shares, issued any debentures or raised any money by way of public issue during the year. Annexure t o the auditor’s report mentions that the Company has adequate internal control systems. It further observes that no major weakness in the internal control system has been noticed. Annexure to the auditor’s report mentions that the Company has been regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues with the appropriate authorities. Annexure to the auditor’s report mentions that the disputed dues of the company include Sales Tax, Service Tax, Income Tax and Excise Duty to the tune of approx. 34 crore including 13 crore of Sales Tax amount which is disputed for the period ranging from 1992-2007. *Influence of Auditors’s* Report on Financial Statements Analysis: All the financial statements and figures can be assumed to be accurate. The entire inventory mentioned can be assumed to be accurate. Since no preferential shares, debentures or public issues have been offered by the company, the share capital can be assumed to be same as that of lastShow MoreRelatedNestle Business Ethics1126 Words  | 5 Pagesfew examples of unethical practices performed by professional organizations. Nestlà © is a Swiss food and drink company. The company’s products include cereal, coffee, tea, water, and other food and drink products. Nestlà © is a very well-known and successful brand. 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Facts: Rob Carpenter senior manager at a prestigious accounting firm, recently transferred to the international division of acquisition and mergers. Mr. Carpenter was recently asked to make a recommendation regarding Nestle. Mr. Carpenter unfamiliar with the accounting in Switzerland has realized substantial differences between Swiss and U.S. accounting standards. Surprisingly, there are many â€Å"unnecessary†details in Nestle’s annual report including thingsRead MoreEthics in Accounting1196 Words  | 5 PagesEthics in Accounting By Pace University – New York Accounting for Decision Making, MBA 640 Fall 2011 Required Research Paper Page 1 of 11 Table of Contents Number Content Page Number 1 Introduction 3 2 Ethics in Accounting 4 3 Enron Scandal 6 4 Satyam Scandal 8 5 Conclusion 10 6 References 11 Page 2 of 11 Introduction †¢ What is â€Å"Ethics†? 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Best known for its chocolate, coffee (it invented instant coffee), and milk products, Nestlà © sells hundreds of thousands of other items, most of which are adaptedRead MoreErp System Implication1974 Words  | 8 Pagesindustries Enterprise Systems are the same, the basic concept of Enterprise Systems is focused mainly on standardization, synchronization and improved efficiency. ERP is basically the successor to material resource planning (MRP) and integrated accounting systems such as payroll, general ledger, and billing. The benefits of Enterprise Systems are very significant: coordinating processes and information, reducing carrying costs, decreasing cycle time and improving responsiveness to customer needsRead MoreThe Sky Wrench Aviation ( Swa ) Resource Pl anning Implementation Project Proposal For Managing It Resources2002 Words  | 9 Pagescurrent and future customer’s needs. This project will be undertaken to ensure the safe, secure, timely and cost effective management of Sky Wench Aviation’s proprietary information as well as customer data. 2. Background 2.1 Our current business practices are dated and our current ERP system rooted in 1970s Cobol programing technology is preventing clear, concise and accurate communications and data processing by our manufacturing, finance, marketing and customer management abilities. Over the yearRead MoreThe Purpose, Impacts And Responsibilities Of Businesses2310 Words  | 10 Pagessustainable practices. Sustainability is a broad term and involves the integration of a host of strategies to achieve a desired outcome with regards to the way businesses operate. Strategies such as, green technology, eco manufacturing, eco machining, clean production and so on, have to be employed to alleviate environmental concerns such as pollution, material toxicity, greenhouse gas emissions and much more. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Leonardo Da Vinci once said, Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication Essay Example For Students
Leonardo Da Vinci once said, Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication Essay Leonardo Da Vinci once said, Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. If that is the case, then Maggie wins hands down over her older sister, Dee, whom, from what seems the beginning, has been her familys ultimate representation of the externally cosmopolitan, debased, and contemporarily delusional woman getting-in-touch-with-her-inner-self-through-learning-about-her-heritage-in-a-white-and-americanized-educational-institution. And, whereas Maggie is the soft, gentle, and truly educated woman of their ancestors as shown through Alice Walkers quilt motif utilized in her story, Everyday Use. First, consider Dee, also known as Wangero, as she likes to call herself because she says she can no longer bear being named and called after the people who oppress her Walker 29. This woman, the very same person that was borne of the same mother as Maggie, has a totally different outlook of and approach to life than her counterpart. As mama describes it, she is the type of person that wanted nice things and one whom, from sixteen, had a style of her own: and knew what style was 26. Additionally, that she is a woman of flair, brightness, and intense colorfulness of style which veritably blocks the sun, as Houston A. Baker and Charlotte Pierce-Baker speak of in their critical essay on Alice Walkers use of the quilt in Everyday Use Patches: Quilts and Community159. Her outlook seems to be for great aesthetics and grandeur provided by and through her artificial non-functional definition of art and heritage illustrated, for example, in her want to use the churn top whittled by her Uncle Buddy as a centerpiece for her alcove instead of as an actual churn top, and, her mothers quilt to be hung rather than used Walker 31; 33. In her obvious misunderstanding of the term heritage, she defines it as objects the bench, quilt, etc. ather than the people who preserve its traditions through participation in themà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ people, like her sister, who has learned to quilt Walker 33-34. She stands as the great opposite of Maggie. Ever since the house that her sister hated burned down and she got partially burned by the fire, Maggies character, physical and mental difference, as well as ability, from her sister, Dee, has gotten more defined Walker 25. As time from there passed and they grew into women, she got the darker skin color, the shallower figure, the uglier hair, the burn scars, and the academically ill-educated mind Walker 25-26. And, at the same time, she also got the authentic culture, the ability to quilt, and the true and continuing connection to her cultural heritage through living in the same type of area that imaginably her ancestors had lived that Wangero Dee can now only appreciate from afar Walker 33-34; 23. Additionally, as Barbara T. Christian says it in her critical essay, Alice Walker: The Black Woman Artist as Wayward, of her mothers two daughters, she is the scarred and caring one, whereas her sister is the selfish and stylish, who glibly delights in the artifacts of her heritage 129. And sure, her mother does reckon that she would be backward enough to use the quilts for everyday use, but at least she can continue to be authentic, not a fad like Deeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ something that comes and goes as easily as a wind in springtime Walker 33. At least she has no need to remain fashionable in the eyes of a world of pretended wholeness, a world of banal television shows, framed and institutionalized art, and Polaroid cameras, as the Bakers say 161. And, although she, like her mother, is not well educated in the manner of mainstream academia, at least she may truthfully say that she has no faultfinding power and does not put on sunglasses that hide everything above the tip of her nose and chin Showalter 212; Walker 35. At least she, Maggie Johnson, can say that she is the living representation of the patchwork quilt that Wangero dubs priceless Walker 33. Moreover, and in another respect, that she also is the symbol of functioning heritage and life not encapsulated and dead in a frame, hung on a wall, or sitting as a centerpiece. .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140 , .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140 .postImageUrl , .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140 , .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140:hover , .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140:visited , .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140:active { border:0!important; } .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140:active , .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140 .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u103e2ac49b09a0b7ff472d71e544d140:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Intro to the Arts EssayAnd, perhaps most greatly and simply, that she is the truly wholesome, compassionate, understanding, and intelligent woman of culture and living between them and that she is the one without unnecessary tumult and complication. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Perhaps Dee would do well to encapsulate this philosophy. In her attempts to get to know her self and culture, she is badly and greatly wounded by her bought education. She sees things in ways that her family perhaps never will, but is the price that she has paid worth it? Is the payment and exchange of her integrity, cultural heritage, and family fair and just to obtain possession of academic knowledgeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ so-called understanding,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ clutter, family alienation, waywardness, isolation, and aesthetics? Surely, her inability to be part of the pictures she takes of her sister and mother with their rural background remonstrates and echoes a certain and defined distance between her family and her innermost self that cannot simply be atoned for through her external want to reconnect with her heritage Walker 28-29. In the instance, the readers witness of Wangeros epiphanic interaction with her family harmonizes with the idea that she had sacrificed her true connection with her family, and accordingly, heritage, by not being able to quilt, insisting on a change in lifestyle from the established way of her family a rural life, and by refusing to be called Dee, her birth-given name. Additionally, that she, in fact, in this whole process of knowledge accruement, had lost her integrity because she consciously allowed herself to be manipulated by the doctrines taught her in school that partly coincides with her want to be called Wangero. However, for Maggie, the answer was and is still, No, to the question of whether the payment and exchange of her integrity, cultural heritage, and family is a price she is willing to pay for academic knowledge. How about someone else out there? Is that a price that person is willing to pay? Like Dee, is there another that wants to be an externally cosmopolitan, debased, and contemporarily delusional person? Well, maybe not admittedly, or consciously even. But surely, there probably are some that are and have situations like Dee and her sister, Maggie. And so long as there are people insisting on being complicated, then surely there will be great divides among brothers and sisters as so ingeniously communicated by Alice Walkers story and her commentators.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Students Burnout A Critical Review
Burnout, and in particular, teen burnout, has become an issue of fundamental concern as it is positively correlated with negative behavior and emotional outcomes, such as substance abuse, alcoholism, emotional breakdown, depression, fatigue and the proliferation of antisocial behavior.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Students Burnout: A Critical Review specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Perhaps these reasons may have informed the needs of the author of the article â€Å"Teen Burnout can be Hard to Spot†to shed more light on the issue of teen burnout by summarily discussing a research study of 770 Finnish students aimed at analyzing how students entering high school exhibit burnout (Barton para. 2). The topic of teen burnout is of immense importance to educators, parents and other relevant stakeholders, but the author, in my view, has failed to illuminate the topic in a way that could assist all those conce rned, particularly educators, parents and students, to deal with it. Going by the research findings of the Finnish study, the author of this particular article does well to postulate that girls and boys react to school stress in different ways, but he is economical on providing a systematic analysis on these ‘different ways’ he talks about, preferring to use the lame excuse of school pressures as the predominant determinant of teen burnout in school settings. Indeed, the author associates pressures of school life with cynicism and the development of a negative attitude toward society (Barton para 2). While this may be so, the author fails to outline other dynamics that could equally lead male students to develop cynic behavior and a negative attitude toward society. A comprehensive discussion of the recently released Finnish study, in my view, would have included what other research articles have said on the topic of teen burnout. More important, experience demonstrates that teens in high school may experience serious emotional burnout occasioned by minor issues, such as lack of proper time management, lack of interest in the academic discourse, and attitude toward education or instructors.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The inclusion of such information in the article, in my view, could have added important insights into the effective management of teen burnout. The author, it seems, provides some useful information on teen burnout by illuminating a major research finding, which suggests that â€Å"†¦boys experience a strong crisis concerning a sense of disconnectedness†(Barton para. 3). This, in my view, is a good point, but only for professional psychologists, psychiatrists and counselors who understand the concepts of ‘crisis’ and ‘disconnectedness.’ To the average parent or educator in school settings, th ese concepts may be difficult to understand, not mentioning that the author does not make any attempt to expound on the concepts. Personal experience as well available literature demonstrates that a crisis in life does not necessarily lead to a feeling of loss, confusion or disconnectedness; rather, a crisis may lead to the development of a strong and resilient character and behavior depending on the methodologies that are employed to handle the crisis. Consequently, it can be argued that the author of the article has engaged in providing half-baked truths of the issue of interest without taking the initiative not only to evaluate the dynamics of the problem but also the cause-effect paradigms. It is true that a crisis can lead to teen burnout, but equally it can lead to a strong character and reinforced dedication if it is harnessed using the right channels. As such, the author should have spent more time illuminating the channels that may lead a crisis to turn into a serious emoti onal burnout, such as lack of adequate information and lack of support services.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Students Burnout: A Critical Review specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The author of the article is at it again by citing a good research finding, which suggests that girls internalize stress hence become susceptible to feelings of inadequacy in school settings, leading to depression (Barton para. 4). Despite citing this important finding, the author fails to make an impact due to her version of providing inadequate information that may be of little or no consequence to the average stakeholder. For instance, the author should have taken time to illuminate the fact that stress is not the same as burnout although both oscillate along the same continuum, and that feelings of inadequacy are more likely to lead to stress than to emotional burnout. Sustained stress is what leads to burnout, and there is a bi g difference between burnout and depression. As it stands, the author of the article insinuates that depression is synonymous with burnout, which is a wrong representation of the facts. We are increasingly depressed by every day life experiences, but that does not automatically translate into the fact that we suffer from emotional burnout. Equally, high school students may experience some form of depression arising from the many academic demands set upon them by their instructors, but this does not necessarily translate into burnout. The original research study found that pressure at school is not always negative, a fact that the author elaborates correctly by citing the researchers’ observation that it is imperative to provide teenagers not only with adequate stimulation to prepare them for the demands of life, but also with the right kind of challenges (Barton para. 6). This assertion, in my view, can greatly assist parents and stakeholders to mould responsible teenagers wi th the right kind of stamina and attitude to withstand and conquer the challenges that may eventually lead to emotional burnout.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, there is inadequacy in argument on the part of the author since she could have mentioned some of the methodologies that could be used to assist teenagers achieve adequate simulation, such as receiving encouragement to think positively, spiritual nourishment, and role-modeling. Additionally, instructors in school settings should be encouraged to provide the students with reasonable assignments and justifiable time-frames. Finally, the author reports findings that â€Å"†¦boys and girls on the more competitive academic track were much more likely to suffer from burnout†(Burton para 7). Equally, it was acknowledged â€Å"†¦that the less demanding vocational track offered a more supportive environment than enhance feeling of competence and relatedness†(Burton para. 7). Although the findings may be correct in their own right, it is generally felt that the author is only engaging in rhetoric since she does not care to provide supporting evidence as well as explain the dynamics behind these associations. The involved stakeholders, in my view, need to be told that competition comes with its consequences, and so does a non-competitive environment. The onus really should be for the stakeholders, particularly students, parents and instructors, to come up with checks and balances that will provide direction to the learning discourses in school settings and ensure that no single approach leads to negative ramifications. For instance, students engaged in competitive class environments may be encouraged to join support groups and the many sports activities available in school so that they have effective channels to vent out their stress and frustrations. This type of information, other than merely describing facts, is what is needed to ensure that students adequately deal with burnout. Works Cited Barton, Adriana. â€Å"Teen Burnout can be Hard to Spot.†Globe and Mail 18 March 2012. Web. g/teen-burnout-can-be-hard-to-spot/article554154/ This essay on Students Burnout: A Critical Review was written and submitted by user Artur0 to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
023 Understand Child and Young Person development Essays
023 Understand Child and Young Person development Essays 023 Understand Child and Young Person development Essay 023 Understand Child and Young Person development Essay Assignment 023 Understand Child and Young Person Development Table 1: Physical development Age range Explain the sequence and rate of development 0-3 months When born, babies show innate reflexes, such as swallowing and sucking, rooting reflex, grasp reflex, startle reflex, walking and standing reflex; in the first month babies become less curled up and the startle reflex is starting to fade; toward the end of the third month babies start lifting and turning their heads. -6 months When lying on front babies can lift their arms and legs balancing on their tummies; hey can reach and grab a toy and they can pass it from one hand to another; they can also roll from their backs to front; around sixth month babies are becoming able to sit with support (e. g. high chair). 6-9 months Babies can sit without support; they are beginning to crawl or find other ways of being mobile (bottom-shuffling); starting to use fingers to feed. -12 months Babies are becoming very mob ile, fast crawling, standing up by the furniture, some babies walk along the furniture using their hands to hold on; developing abilities to handle objects and putting them into containers; babies able to feed themselves with ingers. 1-2 years At the beginning of this period babies are beginning to walk and around 18 months they are becoming more and more skilful on their feet, moving faster; toddlers around this age begin to sit and push with their legs to move on the sit-and-ride toys. Towards their second year children walk confidently, they can run and climb; towards the end of the second year some children are becoming ready to start potty training. In the third year children start potty training; they become able to push with feet or peddle a tricycle; children can walk upstairs alternating their feet; towards the end of he this period children are skilful enough to feed and dress themselves; they are able to do threading, pouring and they can use scissors. years Physical development less rapid, however skills are becoming more refined and movements more coordinated. Ability to kick and control ball; development of fine motor skills essential for handwriting. 7-12 years Good coordination of small and large movements; growing physical skilfulness means task can be done quicker, more accurately and more confidently; neater drawing and writing; accurate cutting. Between 9 and 12 children gain even better coordination nd speed in fine and gross motor skills. Around 1 lth year the bodies of some girls are starting to change (growing breasts) and some might start their periods. 12-16 years Gradual body changes in both girls and boys (girls physically mature quicker [around 15/ 16] than boys [around 17/18]. Fast body changes may affect spatial awareness which can become occasionally poor as a result. 16-19 years The maturing of the body is finishing with the full development of sexual organs; the body is taking a distinctive female or male shape. 023 Table 2: Intellectual and cognitive development Quite early on babies are able to recognise the smell of their mother and her voice; later they become familiar with voices of important others and they can be calmed differentiate between day and night (settled routine); babies become interested in mobiles and other objects around them. Babies are becoming interested in what is happening around them, turning their head in the direction of interest; objects are being explored by hands and mouth. Developing fine motor skills allow babies for a better exploration of objects by handling and touching with fingers; around 8 or 9 months babies understand object ermanence (objects continue to exists even when out of sight). Babies are more aware of what is happening around them, they are starting to understand routines through signals (bib = food) Children enjoy pop-up and posting toys and in their 2nd year they are starting to have a go at simple Jigsaw puzzles and building bricks. -4 years Children pretend play with miniature world; they more interested in books, mark making and painting. In their fourth year children are able to concentrate and focus longer on activities which which caught their interest. Children begin to do some simple counting and calculations, recognizing letters is followed by gradual decoding of si mple words and later by reading. Reading and writing is becoming easier, children start reading silently to themselves. Play becomes more organized and follows rules. Development of thinking and reasoning is demonstrated through independent problem solving. tarting to understand more abstract concepts. Cognitive abilities are becoming further refined, leading to high level skills in young people. 023 Table 3: Communication development To start with babies express their hunger, tiredness or other discontent through rying; around 5th/6th week babies start to coo when content; in the third month babies start smiling and reciprocate smiles. Babies starting to understand a little of what is being said and they are starting to give some communication signals themselves (e. . raised arms when they want to be picked up). Babies become quite vocal, babbling with a differentiated tuneful string of sounds. They are also starting to understand various important key words connected with their ro utines (e. g. dinner). Babies clearly show they understand more of what is being said around them/ to them. Babbling is still main way of communication. First meaningful sounds/ words are beginning to emerge around 13 months, and at Language is becoming a powerful means of communication. From connecting two words first children are beginning gradually to build up sentences and their talking is becoming understandable even to those who are not in regular contact with the child. Even though there might be the odd mistake in the sentence structure, the language toward the end of this period is becoming fluent and children ask questions and generally enjoy expressing themselves through language. Children are becoming involved with written language they are starting to learn to read and write. Reading and writing becomes easier now; at the beginning of this period children enjoy telling Jokes to others; apart from chatting, children are beginning to be able to form a simple argument and be persuasive, they are becoming increasingly able to negotiate with others. Their writing shows more grammatical awareness as well as own imagination. Reading and writing skills are becoming very good and children are becoming increasingly skilful in negotiating and persuasion of others (peers and adults). Communication with peers is becoming very important; differentiation between formal and informal language and its use in real life is becoming more and more important; young people use different means to communicate (via phones, mobile messaging, emails, facebook, etc. ). First social contacts are being established mainly during feeding; at the end of the first month babies start to show first smiles which then gradually become response to familiar faces. Babies smile and squeal with delight when playing with familiar others. Babies try to stay close to their primary carers and around 8 months babies may ecome distressed when their primary carer leaves. Babies are fixed on their carers and do not want to be with strangers. Children start notice other children around them and they show some interest in them and later start parallel play. They also start show some frustrations and tantrums as they gradually discover some boundaries. Children play alongside others and may start copying their actions. Around the third year children become more aware of others and their needs which also reflects in their play which is gradually starting to be more and more cooperative. Children enjoy being praised by adults. Developing language is helping children to form better relationships and children begin to show some preferences in friendships. Friendships are becoming more stable and more important and may influence decision making (if my friend is doing something I might be more likely doing it also). themselves to others. Children enjoy being given some responsibilities. Friends and friendships are very important and gradually opinions from friends might feel more important that those of parents/ carers. This leads to exploration and challenge of the boundaries of relationships as well as learning to deal with isagreements, arguments, etc. There are anxieties coming from pressures from school. Young people enjoy being with their friends, they are finding discovering their own identity and sense of belonging to a group/ groups of specific characteristics which defines for them who they are (religious groups, sport group, goth, etc. ) 023 Table 5: Moral development Children might start paying attention to no and might stop their behaviour for a moment. Children are beginning to understand no and they start using it themselves. At the beginning of this phase still no understanding what is right or wrong but hildren understand when they are said No. Later they become able to follow some simple rules. Around 4 years children are becoming thoughtful at times but most of the times will decide what to do on the basis of adult approval. Children are beginning to understand rules; they try to understand them, follow them and may attempt to create their own rules where no rules are given (made-up game with friends). Children share their knowledge of rules with others and will readily point out if someone breaks the rules. Later they are becoming more aware of behaviour consequences and they are generally becoming more thoughtful. Children are beginning to be aware of a bigger picture rules of communities and societies and they are beginning to understand the need for that. There is a interest in moral issues, finding out that right and wrong is not always black and white. Questioning and testing of rules. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the difference between sequence of development and rate of development? 2. Why is the difference important? QI. What is the difference between a sequence of development and rate of development? Sequence of development is the order in which development occurs, e. . children are able to sit before they learn to crawl. The order of the sequences in development are always the same (even though there might be some individual differences: babies always learn to move about before standing up and walking, but some babies bottom-shuffle instead of crawling). Rate, on the other hand, is the speed in which individuals go through the stages/ sequences of development. Most children learn to walk when they are about 12 months old. However, some babies might be ready to walk when they are 10 months old and others when they are 15 months old. Individuals might also be developing with different rate in different areas, e. g. some children might be developing quickly physically, but their speech might be delayed. These individual differences are results of genetic predispositions and other biological influences as well as environmental stimulation. Q2. Why is the difference important? Knowing the sequences of development in different areas is important for practitioners to be able to plan accordingly and therefore to support the development in individuals. The rate of the development is important in terms of ecognizing any atypical development and recommending/ searching any additional interventions when needed. TASKB Complete table; Research and report Complete a table as shown on the following page, identifying the different personal and external factors that influence children and young peoples development. Ref 2. 1, 2. 2) 82 theories of development. This report should identify how these theories have influenced current practice and include the following: Cognitive (e. g. Piaget) Psychoanalytic (e. g. Freud) Humanist (e. g. Maslow) Social learning (e. g. Bandura) Operant conditioning (e. g. Skinner) Behaviourist (e. g. Watson) Social pedagogy. Over the years there have been many theories trying to explain certain aspects of development, behaviour, learning, etc. In the following text we will look at the most influential theories which are being used by practitioners in better understanding as well as day to day work with children and young people. After a brief description of how an individual theory was founded, we will discuss the key points for work at nurseries. Theory of cognitive development (Constructivist approach) Theory of cognitive development is connected with the name of Jean Piaget 1896-1980) who through work on intelligence tests started to notice how children at same stages make very similar mistakes in their tasks and problem solving approaches. Piaget then closely observed his own children, capturing their development in details and later using these observations to create a theory of cognitive development. Piaget considered children as active learners who create schemas (believes) about the world based on their experiences. This is how they make sense about what is happening around them. However, a childs schemas are going to be challanged time to time by new and unexpected experiences and as a esult existing schema will have to adapted to fit these in (e. g. ouching something hot will alter the notion that everything is safe to touch and child will learn that certain objects can hurt when being touched). Piagets theory influenced the practice by having a child-centred approach. In our setting, for example, we make regular observations on what our children are interested in and what they like to play/ do. After careful evaluations and identifications of possible next steps of development we plan activities which as well as reflecting children s interest also urther challenge them to encourage the development. Psychoanalytic theory of personality Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) suggested that every personality has got three parts to it d, ego and superego. We all are born with d, which is the part of our personality that is driven by our desires and reflects in pleasure-seeking behaviour. ld is selfish and passionate and it is purely after satisfying its needs, known as gratification. However, through social contact and learning babies/children gradually learn to be aware of the outside world and eventually of needs of others. They will be developing
Saturday, November 23, 2019
9 Tips to Improve Your Email Communication With Coworkers
9 Tips to Improve Your Email Communication With Coworkers Unless your office has gone back to carrier pigeons and pneumatic tubes carrying memos, email is the king when it comes to office communications. Those â€Å"new message†dings and badges follow us everywhere these days. That said, familiarity doesn’t necessarily mean there aren’t some best practices we should all follow.Here are 9 tips to remember as you craft your 50th email of the day.1. Fast response =/= good response2. No one gets points for being That Guy who corrects others’ grammar.3. Your snarky response: just don’t send it.4. Don’t link to your personal blog in your signature.5. If you absolutely must trash-talk about someone else on the email chain, ALWAYS double-check the â€Å"reply all†setting.6. There is such a thing as TOO formal in a work email.7. Don’t hit â€Å"send†while you’re still angry.8. Don’t be the person who drops by to discuss the email you just sent.9. At some point, your emai l server will push you to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Eastern Catholic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Eastern Catholic - Essay Example It also has jurisdiction over the churches in Greek. The Eastern Catholic Church in the Middle East uses autocephalous governing body known as the Patriarch of Antioch. This body resides in Damascus, Syria and heads Arab Christians. It also heads in Iraq, Lebanon and other churches in the Middle East. Other patriarchs include: Patriarch of Alexandria, Serbia, Georgia, Jerusalem, Bulgaria and Romania. The early church of Antioch was very diverse and developed into numerous churches. The liturgical setting of the Antioch church mainly came from the St. James Liturgy despite other liturgies developed later. Having jurisdiction in a large area, the Patriarch of Antioch also covered the modern Israel, Jordan, Palestine and certain parts in south Turkey (O’Mahony & Loosely, 2009). Moreover, the Syrian and Aramaic languages dominated before Islam came. Today, the Antioch church has spread into the Persian Empire also known as Iran. It has also spread its branches in India and China. Therefore, the Middle East Antioch church has widened into the south. The Middle East Catholic church can also be analyzed using the various the religious seven dimensions also known as the Ninian Smart. The seven religious dimensions include: rituals, experimental and emotional, narrative or mythic, ethical and legal. Moreover, doctrinal and philosophical, material, social and institutional dimensions also from the religious dimensions of the Catholic Church. These dimensions describe the various aspects in which the Eastern Catholic religion operates. To begin with, rituals refer to the ceremonies used in the Catholic Church that can either be private or public. The rituals represent traditions that should be followed and how sacraments should be celebrated in the Catholic Church. As Churches spread and grew, sacraments were celebrated in line with individual cultures and as they were received or
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
HISTORY OF ROCK & ROLL FINAL EXAM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
HISTORY OF ROCK & ROLL FINAL EXAM - Essay Example According to him, rock and roll lacked that. Mick’s assertion were reiterated by several rock and roll artists such as Lenny Kravitz, Swedish band- the Hellacopters, just to mention, but a few. There sentiments seemed to be a premonition of what was to come decades later. This is ascribed to the fact that fifty years down the line rock and roll is no more (Topping). It has slowly died and is soon being forgotten. In the year 2010, the number of rock music appearing in the chart fell to its lowest level in fifty years. This happened when only three songs managed to appear in the top one hundred best-selling hits in the United Kingdom. Additionally, the percentage of rock tracks plummeted from a sickening thirteen percent in 2009 to a terminal three percent in 2010. This was way far behind R n B/hip hop at forty seven percent, pop at forty percent and dance at ten percent, according to Music Week. Over time, rock had competed relatively with pop music in the singles chart. According to Music Week, in 2008, rock music acco unted for twenty seven of the one hundred best-selling singles; however, the number declined to three in 2010 (Topping). It is most likely that we are coming to an end of rock and roll. It is as if we have reached the limit of what bass, drums, keyboards, guitars and vocals can create; thus, music is slowly moving back to where it came from (being recycled). A post-modernism school of thought in the contemporary culture suggests that recent cultures are cannibalizing the past, and there is nothing new anymore; everything is same, but given a different look. Have a look at movies: Sequels, remakes, films and prequels based on TV shows (Topping). It is also a fact that the modern music appears stuck in the yesteryear groove since there are no scenes or movements coming from anti-establishment ideology. Rock and roll history is rebellion’s history. For instance, stories such as Elvis, King
Sunday, November 17, 2019
International Outsourcing Essay Example for Free
International Outsourcing Essay There has been a rise in consumerism due to the emergence of globalization brought about by rapid advancement in information technology. Consequently, a demand for skilful human resources to perform various duties at global manufacturing sites and branch offices has motivated the multinational corporations to outsource their work internationally. Since this outsourcing of work occurs off the shore, it is also called offshore outsourcing. What is the objective of international outsourcing? Who benefits from outsourcing the work to people in other countries that have different time zones, contrasting cultures, and different languages? What are the barriers to international outsourcing? These are some of the questions that come into the minds of entrepreneurs who want to collaborate to successfully execute international outsourcing. This exploratory essay delves into the concept of international outsourcing by using an unbiased approach that would further broaden its understanding. Like any innovative process, international outsourcing has been appreciated by its opponents and condemned by its critics. The multinational corporations, such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Sony, General Motors, Ford, Boeing, Hewlett Packard, etc. have been expanding their market share by opening outlets in countries across the world. To maximize their profits, they have established manufacturing plants in the remote areas of developing countries like India, China, Brazil, etc. where the cost of production is comparatively lower than in the developed countries like the USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, Japan, etc. Read Also: Topics for Exploratory Essay Since the developing countries like India have a large population that is highly educated and can communicate effectively in English language, the corporations in the developed countries continue to outsource the work to individuals, small business firms, and large companies in India. â€Å"American and other western nations can have their technical business needs and services provided for them at a discount, while workers in India can reach a global market and improve their economic status†(Arun, 2007). The companies in rich nations like the USA also save their operational costs and maximize profits by outsourcing to developing economies like India. There is no doubt that international outsourcing creates more job opportunities for people in the developing countries. However, there are critics who argue that international outsourcing also creates unemployment in the rich nations as the work is snatched from the existing employees based in the developed countries. It was reported that â€Å"3. 3 million U. S. jobs and $136 billion in wages could be moved to such countries as India, China, and Russia by 2015†(Cyber Futuristics, n. . ). But how about the jobs created in information technology, shipping and handling, and management sectors of the companies in developed nations, which continue to expand their business operations globally? For instance, if Hewlett Packard expands its business by opening manufacturing plants in India, China, Russia, and other countries, it creates jobs in the manufacturing sector in these developing countries, but it also creates jobs in other sectors, such as information technology, shipping and handling, and management in the country of origin i. e. the USA. As these multinational corporations make more profits through international outsourcing activity, they get more financial resources to hire more workers in the USA. â€Å"Savings from outsourcing allowed companies to create 90,000 new jobs in 2003, with more than one in 10 of them in Silicon Valley or elsewhere in California†(MSN, 2004). There have been advantages as well as disadvantages of international outsourcing, but its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. One of the advantages is that it has created more jobs in both the developed nations and the developing nations. Secondly, it has enabled the multinational corporations to make more profit and expand their business operations globally, which has provided the consumers different brands of the products that can be manufactured locally at a reduced cost. This has led to an increase in consumerism as the price of finished products has also declined considerably due to the availability of cheaper raw material as well as human resources, and the elimination of massive import duty that the consumers paid before the advent of international outsourcing. For instance, it can be seen that the price of cellular phones has reduced drastically that has allowed people from different income groups to buy the handset, which they could not afford earlier. Moreover, the governments in both the developed nations and the developing nations also get more taxes due to an increase in the sales volume of the products. One of the disadvantages of international outsourcing is that it disturbs the normal routine of a worker based in a developing country because of difference in the time zones. However, the diligent workers are ready to work hard to give better standard of living to their family members. Considering the existing success of international outsourcing, it has a promising future as more and more business corporations want to outsource to India, China, Mexico, Ukraine, Philippines, and other developing nations. Besides achieving a reduction in the operational costs, the multinational corporations claim that they get better efficiency and customer service (Bloomberg Businessweek, 2006). If international outsourcing is changing the lives of the people globally, the governments should make the process smoother by removing the obstacles, such as unnecessary paper work, delay in issuing visas, long bureaucratic channels that cause hassles in clearing payments done in different currencies, etc. In spite of these hurdles, the hard working professionals in the developing countries shall find the solution to deliver the best services to their business clients located in the developed countries. International outsourcing has also brought the hearts and souls of people with different cultures together even though there may be difference in languages and time zones.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Life of Jack London :: Essays Papers
The Life of Jack London John Griffith London, who is considered by many to be America’s finest author, was born January 12, 1876 in San Francisco, California to an unmarried mother of a wealthy background, Flora Wellman. His father is thought to have been William Chaney, a Journalist, lawyer and major figure in the development of American Astrology. Because Flora was ill, an ex-slave, Virginia Prentiss, who would remain a major maternal influence during the boy’s childhood, raised Jack through infancy. Late in 1876, Flora married John London, a disabled Civil War veteran. The family moved to Oakland, where Jack completed grade school and would develop his love of the outdoors. As a child Jack worked at various hard labor jobs, pirated for oysters on San Francisco Bay, served on a patrol to catch poachers, sailed on a sealing ship, joined Kelly’s Army of unemployed working men, was a toured the country as a hobo. Jack later returned home to attend high school at the young age of 19. During his travels he became acquainted with socialism, for which he was known as the Boy Socialist of Oakland. London would run unsuccessfully several times for mayor of Oakland on the Socialist ticket. Jack developed a love of reading and began writing to escape the horrors of his laborious childhood for which he wanted to forget. Jack became a highly disciplined writher who produced over fifty volumes of stories, novels, and political essays. Even though The Call of the Wild brought London lasting fame, many of his short stories are considered classic and also. London’s long voyage (1907-1909) across the Pacific in a small boat provided material for books and stories about Polynesian and Melanesian, which were instrumental in popularizing Hawaii as a tourist spot. London was an extremely publicized person in his day and used the media attention to his advantage. His strong support of Socialism, women’s suffrage and prohibition were often hot topics in his dealing with the press. He was also one of the first writers who worked closely with the movie industry, and had a good number of his novels made into movies. His first novel The Sea Wolf became the basis for the first full-length American movie. London was also one of the first celebrities to use his endorsement for commercial products in advertising.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Constitution in USA Essay
A constitution is either a written (codified) or unwritten (uncodified) body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state is acknowledged to be governed. Generally, a constitution is only written after a major event. In the case of America their constitution was written in 1787, after the American Revolutionary War came to a close. There are a number of issues with America’s constitution which make it, arguably, unfit for the 21st century. The most apparent issue with the constitution is the overall ambiguity that it’s based upon. Take for example the eighth amendment which forbids the federal government from imposing cruel or unusual punishments on American citizens. However, what’s classed as a cruel or unusual punishment? Many have argued that capital punishment can be seen as a cruel punishment, which has led to some states, such as Illinois, abolishing the death penalty altogether. Though, despite eighteen states abolishing the death penalty so far, there has been no move to amend the constitution to include the death penalty as an example of ‘cruel punishment’. Another example of an ambiguous amendment is the first amendment which protects the right to free speech as well as freedom of religion. However, how far this amendment applies has been questioned on numerous occasions. For example, Texas passed a law which prevented flag desecration (burning of the American flag), however the Supreme Court overturned the Texas law due to it violating citizen’s first amendment right as flag desecration is seen as an expression of belief, which the first amendment protects. This has led to numerous calls for flag desecration being outlawed via a constitutional amendment, however just like the eight amendment this would be incredibly hard to achieve. This is purely due to how difficult it is to amend the American constitution. The American constitution’s amendment process is long and difficult, which is mainly due to it requiring a supermajority. A supermajority is where 2/3rds of both houses of Congress have to agree to the amendment put forward. Even if either house falls short by one vote, the amendment is dropped. This process was made to be hard intentionally by the Founding Fathers. This was because they believed that the constitution shouldn’t be constantly changing, and so they created the need for a supermajority to stop the federal government from making rash, in the moment, decisions which they could grow to regret later on. However, it is this founding belief that has made the constitution, arguably, untenable for the 21st century, which can be contributed to Congress’ explosive growth over the last 200 years. For example, in 1789 there were only 65 Representatives in the House of Representatives, which grew to 435 by 1963 and plateaued due to the House of Representative s being capped in 1911. This is an increase of 370 over a period of 174 years (meaning that there were two new Representatives every year). This continually increased the amount of people who had to work in unison to pass constitutional amendments, and as evidenced by the 1911 Act which capped the size of the House of Representatives, America grew far more than the Founding Fathers had originally intended. The constitution can also be seen as unfit for the 21st century due to an ever increasing political pace, as well as rapidly changing circumstances which have led to very different outcomes when compared to the British political system. This can mainly be seen with gun control which is protected in America by the second amendment (â€Å"Right to bear arms†) despite the amount of shootings which have occurred in recent times. An example of this would be the Sandy Hook shooting, which occurred on December 14th 2012 at an elementary school in Connecticut. This caused nationwide outrage which in turn caused support for disarmament groups to increase. However, after several months the support fell away and no constitutional amendments were put through, despite pledges and campaigns from Barrack Obama and Joe Biden. Now, when compared to England, there was a shooting spree in a Dunblane Primary School in 1996. Following national outrage, much alike that caused by Sandy Hook, guns were criminalised by an Act of Parliament, which was significantly easier to do as the UK does not have a written constitution, rather an unwritten one which is drawn from several sources. However, despite the faults with the American constitution, it must be fit for purpose if it still exists. This is because if it wasn’t fit for purpose, and didn’t work at all, it would have been scraped by one of the American administrations after its conception. This is mainly aided by the argument that the constitution’s ambiguity is what allows it to adapt to changing circumstances as well as its ability to change without formal review. What is meant by this is the fact that the Supreme Court can uphold or repeal earlier decisions made in relation to the constitution, meaning that if the correct decisions were repealed the constitution could be drastically changed.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Farhenheit 45
Literary Analysis Could you ever imagine living in a world where books were not allowed, houses were fireproof, and firemen started fires instead of putting them out? Ray Bradbury created this dystopian society of backwards thinking in his novel Fahrenheit 451. When he wrote the book, during the Cold War, the United States was beginning to censor many things and his fear of what it would turn into inspired him to write this novel. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury overly exaggerates a future society from where the United States in the 1950’s was heading through loss of humanity from television and the theme of censorship by; yet, the symbol of rebirth detracts from the overall effect of exaggeration. In Fahrenheit 451 Mildred, Guy Montag’s wife, is a mindless human being. She has a television show that she calls her â€Å"family†and she insists on watching it every time it is on. For example when she is arguing with Montag about reading she says, â€Å"Books aren’t people. You read and I look all around but there isn’t anybody!†¦ Now my family is people. They tell me things: I laugh, they laugh! And the colors!†¦ Why should I read? What for! †(73;ch. 2). This quote illustrates the fact that all she does is sit around and believes to be interacting with people, when in fact she is just talking to a television show. When she wants another television installed she tells Montag â€Å"Its only two thousand dollars and I think you should consider me sometimes. If we had a fourth wall, why it’d just be like this room wasn’t ours at all, but all kinds of exotic people’s rooms†(20;ch. 1). This line spoken by Mildred shows the reality of her mindless television show consuming her life and that she no longer thinks like a human being. Society’s goal in essentially hypnotizing its citizens was successful. Any person with sense such as Montag would know that it is outrageous to buy another screen when they cannot afford it. Mildred is a perfect example of a mindless person who allows the government to control her and thinks books are harmful. People like her make this society achieve its goals in censorship by burning books. In several cases the narrator is just as mindless as Mildred. For example, the book burning process is supported when the book states, â€Å"You were simply cleaning up. Janitorial work essentially,†and â€Å"they pumped rooms full of [kerosene]†it is supporting the book burning process (37-38;ch. 1). These statements are guilty of sustaining book burning. Also when Captain Beatty, the chief of the fire department, says, â€Å"I want you to do this all by your lonesome, Montag. Not with kerosene and a match, but piecework, with a flame thrower. Your house your clean up,†it illustrates how he is asking a horrible task be done (116;ch. ). Burning books, the only source of unchanging knowledge, is a horrific task to take on. Burning books is like taking away freedom and because they are no longer physically available humans have to memorize them. When Montag gets caught for having books he runs away. He does such a good job that even the mechanical hound can’t find him. When the search for him is seeing no hope they kill a random man alone on the street. At this point Granger, one of the traveling book men, says to Montag, â€Å"Welcome back from the dead†(150;ch. 3). This quote resembles the rebirth and final transformation of Montag from a regular in society. It detracts from the exaggeration because it symbolizes the life of memorizing books, which is the total opposite of eradicating them. Another time when rebirth is mentioned is when Granger tells Montag about the phoenix, â€Å"There was a silly damn bird called a phoenix back before Christ, every few hundred years he built a pyre and burnt himself up†¦ but every time he burnt himself up he sprang out of the ashes, he got himself born all over again†(163;ch. 3). This example takes away from Bradbury’s effect because it symbolizes new life, which the government does not want; they want it to stay the way it is. Ray Bradbury creates a dystopian society in the novel by expressing loss of humanity, censorship, and rebirth through many examples in the book. Throughout Fahrenheit 451 everyone is trapped under the government’s supervision except for the ones who are smart enough to escape through the knowledge of books, such as Montag. During the entire novel Mildred is an example of an individual consumed by the government’s rules and loss of humanity from TV.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Aitken Spence Hotel
Aitken Spence Hotel The situation The Aitken Spencer hotel is a successful project that has achieved its purpose and goals beyond the initial expectations. Like many projects undertaken in ecologically sensitive places, the project initially generated controversy and invoked resistance among the population of Kandalama community.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Aitken Spence Hotel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, the current picture speaks differently about the attitude of the people of Kandalama towards the projects and the awards and recognitions too are a proof that the hotel has lived to its pre construction billing as environmental friendly. The hotel has engaged the surrounding community in different ways which has won their trust and ensured continued support. Corporate social responsibility activities like characterize the current partnership between the people and the project management. First priority job offers to the local youths, scholarships and study centers have ensured the villagers gain first hand from hotel business. Also, the fact that minimal environmental damage has occurred in the environment where the hotel is situated coupled with green waste management techniques have ensured critical support from the stakeholders including employees and even guests. The hotel looks set to continue with the policy of involving the locals in its operations and pursuing green initiatives to conserve the environment and also to cut costs involved in waste disposal. Different location Though there was minimal damage to the environment in Kandalama, the bottom-line remains that the advantages the environment has gained from the project far more exceeds the negative impacts. A different location in Sri Lanka could have undergone changes same way Kandalama did. The time and careful planning that the hotel management ensured minimal damage to the surrounding. The policies that were adopted ensured more merits than demerits for the environment. Given that people anywhere in the country could have raised objections to the environment, Aitken Spencer Hotel management could have made the same adjustments to suit to the community needs and concerns. Therefore, building the hotel anywhere else could have been beneficial to the environment.Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, it is difficult to say for sure if the construction in another place could have been better. The current situation in Kandalama is good. The policies and management practices that have been adopted by the hotel leadership could have been applied in another place just like Kandalama. Improved Quality of Life The construction of the hotel came with many advantages for the locals than they had anticipated. The social and community development initiatives that the hotel management put in place helped in greatly turning around the lives of the villagers in Kandalama (Geok Buche, 2008, p 8). The strategies targeted sustainability by focusing on quality, productivity and corporate social responsibility. The quality of life has further been boosted by the bottom up approach with heavy grassroots involvement. The Social and Environmental committee of the hotel implemented projects that touched on public works, education, healthcare, community projects and the environment. Many locals have secured employment, their literacy levels have improved and the environment is still preserved. Perhaps the biggest benefit that the people of Kandalama have had so far is the employment that has come with the setting up of the hotel. The resort has in place a policy to recruit 60% of its staff locally from a radius of 35 miles. Some of the locals who had joined the business in its early days have even risen to the rank of managers giving it a strong local feel on the staff. Locals now enjoy better roads built through the funds contributed by the hotel. There is plenty of water available to schools through the wells drilled by the resort’s support. The village population and the schools also enjoy electricity that was brought to the area thanks to the construction of the hotel. Provision of healthcare is another benefit that the people have enjoyed from establishment of the Hotel in Kandalama. The local population has benefited from the donation of numerous pairs of spectacles by the hotel. Besides, there have been various health campaigns involving glaucoma testing, blood donations and major hospitals repairs thanks to the donations of the Kandalama resort (Geok Buche, 2008, p 8). Before its establishment, the local population faired badly in their international language skills especially English. However that did not deter the management from employing the locals while providing them with the necessary assistance to learn the language.Advertising We w ill write a custom article sample on Aitken Spence Hotel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Educational facilities that have been developed include libraries, an English Language training centre and also a home science theatre. Locals have enrolled in these centers where they are trained in different disciplines equipping them with the necessary skills to work in the hotel and elsewhere. Besides, there have been donations of books, toys and other supplies and equipment. They have employed professionals to coach for sports and sports (Geok Buche, 2008, p 8). Various sponsorships of exhibitions, debates and art competitions while providing schools with maintainace and repairs grants (Geok Buche, 2008, p 8). Community projects focusing on the sensitive and social needs of the community of Kandalama have been commissioned by the hotel, greatly improving the lives of the people. Charitable events such as clean up campaigns, hosting of orphans and disabled people and soldiers from the Sri Lankan war have characterized the community activities that have impacted widely on the community. There are also the donations of housing equipment to the poor, building houses for homeless villagers, and provision of maintainace to building works to temples and other public places. The environment that had generated controversy at the beginning of the projects was also given priority. Besides the locals enjoying the benefits highlighted above, there environment got constant care through the hotels, corporate social responsibility initiatives. The main advantage here is the continuous monitoring of the environment that did not exist before, a boost to the people who rely on it for their survivals and religious needs. The archaeological reserves have been cleaned up while more trees have been donated and planted in the available spaces of the forest. The local population has gained through continuous education on environmental awareness by holding events in public schools. The waste that used to be disposed wholly is now turned into composite waste through the 3R’s and 7R’s management systems (Geok Buche, 2008, p 9).Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are other cash donations that from the hotel guests and management to the local community. Other items that have been donated include lunch packets for the needy people and for school children, curtains and mattresses to hospitals, roofing materials for families and hospitals. Effectiveness of the Environmental protection systems The success of any environment protection measures can only be determined if its judged against the original concerns, how they were addressed and how the outcomes were. The concerns were; deforestation, soil erosion and increase in the production of solid waste in the environment. Very few trees were cut to make way for the construction of the hotel In fact the architect had to modify the hotel design to make sure very few trees were cut during the construction. There were no trees cut. Where necessary, trees were relocated using the â€Å"the root ball†technique that ensured trees survived in their new locations (Geok Buche, 2008, p 4). Wat er did not reduce in the village since forests were not destroyed and the architect’s decided to sink tube wells to access ground water. Even then caution was taken to ensure the vibrations did not harm the environment in any way, especially the soil. This water proved much easier to treat and was a lot more pure which required less energy to treat. Waste management was one of the areas where success was recorded. Initially the focus was on the 3R techniques while later on, the focus shifted to the 7R technique. Through these techniques, recycling has ensured the Kandalama place is solid waste free and almost 100% of the refuse is reused or processes to more useful forms of waste that is beneficial to the community. Hypothesis â€Å"Building the Aitken Spence Hotel increased tourism while having little impact on the local environment and improving the local economy.†The above statement pretty much summarizes the whole case study about the Kandalama resort. Tourism in the Kandalama and Sri Lanka in general increased after the lull in violence and the construction of facilities like the Kandalama Hotel. Many guests arrived in Sri Lanka and used the facility a clear sign that tourism improved after the construction. For instance, there was a group of 135 guests from Lebanon who had visited the place and greatly helped in renovating a school besides donating money to support it. The environment suffered little damage and the waste management initiatives taken after the hotel started its operations ensured an almost zero negative impact on the environment. No trees were cut during and after the construction. The tank that supplied water to the farmers was spared as the hotel sought alternative means of obtaining water and the sacred places of the Monks and Buddhists were unaffected during and after the construction (Geok Buche, 2008, p 5). There was no waste dumped in the village since all was recycled or reused in the hotel and the village. The hot el management formed various committees that sought environmental friendly practices on areas such as water usage, air and sound pollution, solid waste management, ecosystem management and social and cultural development (Geok Buche, 2008, p 8). These committees were responsible for the positive developments that the environment underwent during the construction and after the completion of the project. An environmental management system was integrated into the hotel’s operations and financial management systems highlighting the importance of conserving the environment to the managers and staff. They were trained to incorporate environment conservation into their daily routines (Geok Buche, 2008, p 8). The local economy too improved tremendously after the hotel was constructed in Kandalama. Many youths from the village secured jobs while access to basic amenities like electricity and water was improved. Basic infrastructure like roads, schools and hospitals greatly improved the literacy an d health of the population that in turn helped boost the economy of the region (Geok Buche, 2008, p 9). SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis on the Kandalama hotel is necessary to shed some light on the direction and future of the business in Sri Lanka. Strengths There are many advantages that play to the hotel’s favor and which easily gives the business an upper hand in the tourism sector in Kandalama and the country generally. The friendliness of the surrounding community towards the business is one such advantage. Initially the people were opposed to the project on the grounds that it was going disrupt the natural system and the way of life of the people. However, their change of heart and eventual embracing of the business became a plus to the hotel. The locals were happy with the integration strategies and community development initiatives that the management pursued. Any expansion plans the business may have are therefore likely to enjoy goodwill from the comm unity given that they have already proves their worthiness. The green initiatives put in place to manage the environment are also another strength that Kandalama hotel enjoys in the area. They have helped the hotel cut costs in waste management practices and also helped in the conservation of the environment. Any project they may have on the cards will not depend on initiatives that will start from scratch hence a strength that can be utilized. Weaknesses Though the hotel has many advantages, some factors may not play to its favor. There is risk of creating overdependence among the surrounding population. Any withdrawal of the policies that the locals consider beneficial to them may lead to a backlash. It will be difficult to change the policies that benefit whether they make business sense or not. Compared to other hotels that have not deeply integrated with the surrounding population and can therefore make decisions without fear of backlash, Kandalama hotel is at a disadvantage. O pportunities There are many spots in the country that are underdeveloped or completely undeveloped and offer good prospects for tourists. The hotel can develop the vast areas of the country that have tourism potential. Because of the success of the project, the authorities are likely to agree to such a project. Threats Though conserving the environment, there is a threat of the environmental factors dictating the direction of the business too much. It is almost impossible for hotel management to modify the hotel by eliminating part of the environment where it stands, even if the modification is absolutely necessary. Conclusion The construction of Kandalama hotel can be termed as a success and an exemplary way of involving corporate socials responsibility and business. Its serves to demonstrate how businesses can involve the population to ensure success is achieved and both financial and social goals are achieved. Reference Geok, B Buche, I. (2008). Aitken Spence Hotel Holdings Plc of Sri Lanka: A sustainable tourism as competitive strategy (B). Heritance Kandalama: Asian Business Centre.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Fewer numbers without language - Emphasis
Fewer numbers without language Fewer numbers without language Those who see themselves more as number people than word people might be surprised to learn that their understanding of numbers is actually dependent on language. New research has found that, without language, it is impossible to properly comprehend larger quantities. The findings come from a study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, of a deaf community in Nicaragua. With no knowledge of Spanish or formal sign language, these people have created their own signing system; but it doesnt include vocabulary for numbers. This is despite the fact that they live and work in a numerate society. During the experiments, members of the group often lost track of specific numbers above three. In one test, participants were asked to respond to taps on the hand by tapping the same amount back, but they tended to be out by one or two. Theyre not wildly off, says Elizabet Spaepen, the lead researcher. They can approximate quantities, but they dont have a way of getting to the exact number. Although humans have been shown to have an innate numerical understanding, we are only naturally adept at understanding small numbers and estimating large ones. We need words in order to bridge that gap. What language does is give you a means of linking up our small, exact number abilities with our large approximate number abilities, says Daniel Casasanto, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in the Netherlands. And we wouldnt be where we are today without this vital link. It has been the tool that gave rise to the society we live in, Casasanto says. The skyscrapers we work in and the computers that were talking on right now all of these things are possible because of exact large number and humans ability to manipulate them. Something to consider next time youre managing your portfolio, balancing your chequebook, or sharing out MMs in the office.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Capital Budgeting Individual Project Assignment
Capital Budgeting Individual Project - Assignment Example Strategic planning is important to the future success of a business enterprise. Capital budgeting is one of the ways that can help a company achieve its long term success through proper planning. Lack of good road map that a strategic plan provides, may lead to misallocation of company resources through addressing short-term issues. This would in turn compromise the long term needs of the company. Necessary Information Sparklin Automotive Company (SAC) has been a successful company within the automotive manufacturing industry, operating since the last eight decades. The company has come up with an innovative idea to launch a new spark plug which offers an enhanced mileage to vehicles i.e. up to 100,000 miles. In order to initiate the new spark plug production, the company needs to set up a new manufacturing plant which would need to be analyzed financially in order to consider it viable for SAC. The entire setup would require information pertaining to the cash inflows and the cash ou tflows that would occur as a result of carrying out the production of the new spark plugs. The financial information that would be needed should only include the relevant costs that would only be attributed as a result of carrying out the new spark plug production. ... owing data would be used to evaluate the capital project: The new spark plug plant would need an initial investment of $1 billion in 2013, which would further be followed by another $500 million investment in 2014. The cash inflows that are expected as a result of this investment are: $300 million (2015), $350 million (2016), $385 million (2017), $400 million (2018), $450 million (2019), and $500 million (2020). All of these expected inflows are considered to be after-tax inflows. It is also expected that the new plant would not attract any Capital Gains; hence no tax savings would be gained. SAC’s current cost of capital is 10%. Capital budgeting The firm’s senior financial officers are faced with two important tasks in a firm. One of the tasks is to make decisions for improving the company’s return on equity. The other task is to find adequate funds for investment opportunities that may arise (Dayananda, 2002). Capital budgeting is the process in which a busine ss management determines whether projects such as long-term investment or building a new plant are worth undertaking. Basically, business should pursue all opportunities and projects that will increase shareholder’s value. However, because of limited nature of capital available for new projects, management needs to implement capital budgeting techniques to determine which will result to high return on a given period of time. Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) Weighted Average Cost of Capital is the calculation of a firm’s cost of capital that involves proportionate weighting of each and every category of capital. When calculating the firm’s weighted average cost of capital, all capital stock such as preferred stock, common stock, bonds, and any other long-term debt are all included. The formula
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Analysis of Hayek's The Road to Serfdom Term Paper
Analysis of Hayek's The Road to Serfdom - Term Paper Example Ultimately, Hayek believes that these two states and others did not intend to go down this road to serfdom; however, he thinks, it is the natural result of a certain philosophy and a particular concept of freedom. These inconsistent ideas make possible the kind of unjust distribution and allocation of resources resulting in the tyrannical socialist state: where conflict is unstopping, economic principles are ignored, and suffering is taken to be the norm. Hayek intended the content and theories in this work not only to apply to the climate in which he wrote it but to the condition of societies as they exist decades and even centuries into the future. Hayek begins his work with a worry: that socialism and central planning is essentially a â€Å"road to serfdom†and that if one goes along this road, one will be traveling down the same road as the most brutal totalitarian states of the 20th century. Citing Hitler’s 1941 proclamation that â€Å"basically National Socialism and Marxism are the same†, Hayek begins his work with that basic theme. ... Using this thrust of the argument, Hayek analyzes the central planning aspect of many economies in the world. If societies might be better off using a spontaneous order, then what is the purpose of a central plan, Austrian economists might argue. The idea of spontaneous order is inherent in the â€Å"invisible hand†economic proposal in Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nation; however, Hayek elaborates on the likelihood of acting on more complete information in the case of spontaneous order, whereas the centralized authority operates on a limited set of information, attempting to make decisions affecting the economy. Hayek’s second chapter deals with something he calls â€Å"The Great Utopia†, which is a reference to the socialist state that utilizes central planning. The most important part of this section is the argument that socialism and communism together are â€Å"an illusion†(Hayek 165). That is, they are merely the first step in a process that ul timately ends in fascism and tyranny. This is the lack of agreement on the ends but an agreement on the means. Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Diversity in early childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Diversity in early childhood - Essay Example But in a very typical Australian context, some of the major areas that diversity can easily be identified are in the areas of attitudes and believes towards religious beliefs of people. This is said without a doubt of acknowledgement that Australia is a multi-practicing religious nation. Regardless of the fact that there is the freedom of worship enshrined in the constitution of the country, there continues to be the sharing of different attitudes and beliefs towards the religious practices of other people who do not belong directly to our own religions. In my experience with a class of very young early childhood students in a school that was different from where I usually worked, where I had gone to undertake my practice, I came to realize that our Australian society would be better created if issues of religious misconceptions and religious discrimination are dealt with right at the early stages of the development of the children. Diversity Experience with Kids My experience was su ch that I had gone to the school to undertake my practice wearing a headscarf, which is known in our religious parlance as hijab. The wearing of the hijab has several religious connotations that make it compulsory for every virtuous woman to have on. As part of its religious significance, the hijab or headscarf represents a veil which denotes the separation of man or the world from the creator, who is God (Wagner, 2006). However, the community I had gone to teach, being dominated as an Anglo Saxon community seemed not to be too familiar with the use of the hijab. Most of these kids in my class who had fair skin looked at me as belonging to a totally different sect of practice that they were so unfamiliar with. Initially, not many of them wanted to approach me at all. The situation even expanded to include most of their parents and other curious colleague teachers. With time however, some of the kids mustered courage and started approaching me as a normal person because my resistance to continue using the hijab and yet go about my duties normally proved to them that I was just as a normal person as they were. Indeed, some of these kids were even bold enough to ask me about why I was wearing the headscarf, questioning me by asking, â€Å"Where is your hair?†Some colleague teachers did same, as well as some parents. I used this as an opportunity to explain the religious connotation of the hijab to the kids and the need for them to accept diversity. Personal Reflection On a personal note, I believe that Australia stands to be a better place for the future for us all if the need to incorporate the teaching and learning of diversity, especially religious diversity at an early stage in children is taken more seriously. As the saying goes, the children are the future of the country. If these kids who are the future of the country are well vest in issues of religious and ethnic differences, some of the little scuffles and riots that arise from religious and eth nic confronts will be a thing of the past (Brophy, 2002). Indeed, most of the diversities that are experienced by us as people are those that we do not grow up to pick or decide on. There are others that cannot be changed entirely. Example of those that we pick up at very early stages of our lives is religious diversity. Ethnicity is also an example of diversity that we cannot change for another. These are reason that no
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Northern Ireland Conflict
The Northern Ireland Conflict Every country in the world is searching to the peace and want to live a safely life, regard less their religion or their path if its Christianity, Islam or any other religion. Its an original desire in every one, to seek about peace. The country could face allots of conflicts and clashes between it self or with other country because of the geographical boundaries, economics issues, ethnic schism or because of breaking the agreements. But also these conflicts can be at the same country which is causes by ethnics groups or civil wars, for example: Lebanon, Iraq and Northern Ireland. These countries faced civil and ethnic wars, which that affect on people life. Its killed thousands of people in a short period, mutilated people appearance and genes destroy the country properties and wealth. Also it has a dangerous psychological effect on the children (victims) and the next generations, especially if the war was at the same country between the citizens. The most remarkable war, that happe ned in Europe since many years and makes noticeable changes in Christianity. It is the Catholics and the Protestants fight in the Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland governmental division of the United King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland located in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland (Encarta). And the remaining part of the island is a part of the republic of Ireland. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast .Northern Ireland population is approximately 55% Protestants which they are the majority and 45% Catholics. This country is divided depending on the religious and political lines. The split between the Protestants majority and the Roman Catholic minority made a deep conflict that influence the regions politics and economy. By the 17th century, Protestants British colonizer had dominated the regions Catholic, Gaelic residents. The entire of Ireland was part of the United Kingdom until 1920(Encarta). Then the civil ethnic war was breaking out between Loyalist ( unionist) Protestants and Nationalist Catholics. The Catholics wanted Northern Ireland to be reunited to republic of Ireland to the south and the Protestants wanted to remain in a part of the United Kingdom. Since the violence over 30 years ago, more than 3,600 people have been killed in the conflict (Film). The island was divided into tow regions, Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland; both were under United Kingdom controls. The British army was sending to equal the corruption, but the violence continued especially the bloody Sunday event, when the British groups opened the fire on a group of Catholic demonstrators and killed 14 people. The term used in Ireland and the United Kingdom to describe this conflict was the (Troubles). This term was to describe the violence of 1919-1923 (Encarta). But after the Friday agreements the conflict stopped on 1 march 1999. The agreement was to confirm the awareness of the human rights in the Northern Ireland (BBC). This fight had many causes: t he absence of organized government, every group wanted to control the country and the most essential cause is the ethnic schism. The region contained tow groups of people who are differed in political loyalty, religious practice and cultural morals (Cain). One of them believed that their land had been stolen, while the other was in a stable state of anxiety. Northern Ireland is still suffering from this conflict and its make the two groups in a suspicious between each other. The most essential outcome from this awful event, by bombing houses and killed innocent people, that make the children passed out the hates from on generation to another and make them suspect even in their friends and their neighbors, in addition, its makes them live unsafely life they can not trust any one near them and teach them how to make anomies from the other side. But who were suffered great lost from this conflict, are still trying to breaking the cycle of violence in Northern Ireland and they are baying the price of what their parents have done. Both sides Protestants and Catholics children had suffered from this conflict. Its makes deep changes in the children way of thinking and how they deal with other children from the other sect. and there are still many issues without solving, many children are remained angry and hurts. Like Grace, Colin and Mark those children are both Catholics and Protestants they lost one of their family members. Every one has his own story, every one of them lost one of their beloveds although they are from different sects but their suffering from the Trouble is one. (Grace) lost her father; he was killed in the conflict she lost him when she was two years and she still suffering from this conflict ( Colin is an another case he is a Protestant boy he is 15 years old, Colin lives with his brothers and his father in the most litigious area in Belfast. In the top of Shankill road (Protestant side) the peace wall is divided the neighborhood out of the Catholic area. One a day Colin was walking back home from his school. He use to take the Protestant road but one time when he get lost out of the Protestant side a group of Catholic kids hit him harshly. This event keep Colin hates the Catholic children more and more. At the same period of Shankill notorious bombing when Colin was five years old, ten people were killed plus the bomber and 57 were injured. The unionist Irish Republican army claimed the reasonability of this bombing and it said that the target was not to kill the civilians but it was meant to exploit during the rival unionist group Ulster freedom fighters meeting. After what happened, the loyalists Protestant take the revenge by killing tow Catholic residents. And by the end of the week the killed 12more Catholics by other ways!! Colin and his family were affected by the Shankill bombing. Alife, Colins father was in the bombing area the fish shop when its exploded. Colin and his mother knew that Alfie could be one of the injured or killed people. Colins mother searched about Alfie but Alife were wondered thats why one of the men was wearing surgical gloves. The victim was taken to the hospital and he was totally covered. Then, the family knew that the man with the gloves was a Catholic man and he was the bomber. After this occurrence the McCrery family started to live in a great hectic and fear they become prisoners and strangers in their own home. At night, they looked all the windows and doors perfectly even if one of the family children waked up at night to drink water or to go to the bathroom they must wake their father first. The Troubles affected on McCrery in a negative way ( Mark is a Catholic boy; he lost his father when he was just six years old. His father was shot and killed by Protestant gunman. Although that (Mark) became sixteen years old he remains deeply affected because of this conflict he still struggles and with his anger and hates. Mark does not share his sadness with any one he prefers to keep his bad memories for him self. The death of Marks was broadcasting in the televisions and newspapers but he does not need all these things to remember this awful tragedy. Marks anger started to become bigger and bigger with time even its stared to pulling him down into despair and hopelessness. The children who suffered from this conflict are trying to seek about solutions and keys to help them to overcome what they faced. They are deeply hurts every one have his bad memories that could affect his life or his personality and the hates the got can affect the whole generation and the whole country if the people did not try to establish and plan solutions. But the country and the responsible sides were aware of the solutions to help the Protestant and the Catholic children to deal with subsequences of this tragedy together. The responsible authorities associate the Wave Center and they supply it by equipments and psychologists to help the children to overcome what they have faced. The Wave social Center helps the children who are too self-conscious or embarrassed to talk with others. Every one inter this Center have missed someone in that conflict and they wished that this Center can help them to control their anger and emotions. Many Catholic and Protestant children participate in this Center and the main goal of this Center is to gather both the Catholic and Protestant children at the same place to make them deal with each other and make the both side talk about what happened to him and how is the Trouble affect on him and on his life also the other goal is to make the children able to feel in others and to obliterate the hate on them. Even who manage this Center lost his wife because of the bombing in 1993 since that time he decided to dedicate him self to these children. The Center arranges many act ivities to make the children express their feelings and talk about what is inside them and begin the process of recovering. By encouraging the children to draw sketches about soothing they love and talk about it and express what they feel from this picture or encourage them to record a home videos to talk about them selves and the one they have missed. Like Grace who recorded a video her bout her father. The video also contains a Box that includes her father things and pictures and she had talk about her memories with her father also she add that this Box is the only memory which is still from her father. The one she has missed in that conflict the Troubles. This video helps Grace to overcome this adversity, with a bravely soul. In addition, some projects in the Center encourage the boys and girls to remember the happy times and memories before the tragedy and how it affects on them (Film). And all these activities are surely will be published in a book to make the children that the y have done something valuable. Plus that traditionally Protestants and Catholics used to go to separate schools. But to destroy the racism the country have just recently opened a n integrated schools for the children and now they spend more time with each other to talk and discuss and exchange their Point views. Although only 4 percent go to these integrated schools, the mixing schools brought remarkable benefits because the Protestant and the Catholic can argue with each other about what happened which is excellent to know the both side opinions and feel other side emotions by what they pass through this conflict and make friends from the other sect to under stand their views plus corporate with each other to overcome the affection of what happened (Un). These new generation of Northern Ireland can change what their families have done and can raise their children on love and forget the hate. They can live in a happy life with each other although their different sect and they can fix what happened by forget it and do not think about it again. Also take it as a lesson to make them knew that they are one nation, one country and one union. And if what happened repeated again that will lose them a lot. Finally, I wonder why are the nations can not live in a peace? And until when we will live in this situation References: By John Darby, (2003), Northern Ireland: the background to the peace process (UN) film about Northern Ireland fight
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